Before you can access the HDMIIPPRO on your network, you have to make sure it is on the same subnet as your existing network.
Follow these steps:
- Make note of your current IP subnet
- On Windows, bring up a command line prompt
- type in ipconfig
- Find the line that says IPv4 Address under Ethernet Adapter Ethernet and write the IP address down
- If your IP address begins with 192.168.1.XXX then you can access the HDMIIPRO receiver and transmitter at their default IP addresses which are and as long as there are no other devices in your network occupying those specific addresses.
- The following steps will show you how to change your computer IP to the same subnet as the HDMIIPPRO so that you can access the admin screen and change the IP address of both the transmitter and receiver to your own subnet.
The video above shows the entire process but basically:
- Right click on your Ethernet Adapter and choose Properties
- Find the line that says Internet Protocol Version 4 (TCP/IPv4) and click Properties
- Fill in using the following details and hit OK
- Connect a network lead from the Transmitter straight to your computer
- Run IPTV Control Center software
- Press the Scan and change the IPTX or IPTR to be in the same subnet as your actual network. Eg.
- Tip: to find out whether a specific IP address is taken on your network, just ping a random number. If you see destination host is unreachable, than it is possibly safe to use that IP.
- To apply your changes press the Update and then Reboot buttons.
- If you have just done the Receiver, connect the Transmitter and repeat steps 5-6 and vice versa.
- You’ll know it has worked because if you then run the scan tool again, it will not find the TX/RX as the subnet now has been changed.
- You can now go back to your Ethernet Adapter properties and undo the changes you made on step 2c.
- Your HDMIIPPRO Receiver and Transmitter are now connected your main network and you can find them at the address you specified in step 5.
- If at any point you mess up, you can simply reset the transmitter or receiver and start fresh. The default IP address will reset to for the transmitter and for the receiver.
- The default username/password is: admin/admin
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